by | Jun 25, 2024

Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer: Top 7 Benefits in 2024


Ignite Your Outdoor Space with a Custom Fire Pit

Looking for a Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer to transform your backyard into a cozy and stylish retreat? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Benefits: Ambiance, social gatherings, increased home value, and safety
  • Types: Wood-burning, gas, propane, natural gas, and smokeless fire pits
  • Materials: Bricks, stones, natural stone veneer, concrete, metal, and more
  • Design Considerations: Size, shape, placement, style, retaining wall seating, and lighting

A custom fire pit enhances your patio or backyard, making it more inviting and functional. Picture a balmy summer night, lounging with friends and family around your personalized fire pit. You can grill, roast marshmallows, or just unwind to the mesmerizing dance of the flames. Installing a fire pit not only creates memorable moments but also increases your home’s value.

I’m Joe Gerrior, the owner of Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping. With over 34 years in the industry, I specialize in Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer services, transforming ordinary backyards into extraordinary outdoor living spaces.

Explore the numerous benefits and possibilities of a customized fire pit in the sections that follow.

Benefits, Types, Materials, Design Considerations - Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer infographic pillar-5-steps

Benefits of a Custom Outdoor Firepit


Imagine a cozy evening in your backyard, the soft glow of firelight casting warm shadows around you. A custom outdoor firepit can create an inviting ambiance that transforms your outdoor space into a magical retreat. The gentle crackle of the fire and the mesmerizing dance of the flames can make any evening feel special.

Social Gatherings

A firepit is a natural gathering spot. Whether you’re hosting a large party or a small get-together, it provides a focal point for social interactions. Think about the joy of roasting marshmallows with kids or sharing stories with friends around a warm fire. A custom firepit can make your backyard the go-to place for memorable moments.

Home Value

Did you know that adding a custom firepit can increase your home’s value? It’s true! Firepits are seen as a desirable feature by many homebuyers. According to Deck Plus, a firepit can enhance the beauty of your home and even offer a decent return on investment. So, not only do you get to enjoy it while you live there, but it can also pay off when you decide to sell.


Safety is always a priority, especially when dealing with fire. A professionally installed firepit ensures that all safety protocols are followed. For example, firepits should be installed at least 20 feet from any structure and on a non-combustible base like stone or concrete. This reduces the risk of accidental fires and ensures a safe environment for you and your guests.

Controlled Fire

Unlike an open bonfire, a custom firepit offers a controlled way to enjoy the benefits of a fire. You can choose features like a spark screen to prevent embers from flying out, or opt for gas firepits that can be turned on and off with the push of a button. This control makes it easier to enjoy the fire responsibly and safely, even in areas where open fires might be restricted.

firepit ambiance - Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer

A custom outdoor firepit is more than just a source of warmth; it’s an investment in your home’s ambiance, social appeal, and value. Keep reading to discover the different types of custom firepits available.

Types of Custom Firepits

When it comes to custom outdoor firepits, you have several options to choose from. Each type has its own set of benefits and considerations. Let’s explore the most popular types:

Wood-Burning Firepits

Wood-burning firepits are the classic choice. They offer the traditional crackling sound and smoky aroma that many people love. These firepits can be built using materials like bricks, stones, or concrete. They require regular maintenance to remove ash and ensure safety.

– Authentic campfire experience
– Can be built in various shapes and sizes
– Generally less expensive to operate

– Requires wood storage
– Needs regular cleaning
– Smoke can be an issue

Gas Firepits

Gas firepits offer a modern alternative to wood-burning ones. They are easy to ignite and control, making them a convenient option. You can choose between propane and natural gas firepits.

Propane Firepits

Propane firepits use portable propane tanks. These firepits are versatile and can be moved around your backyard.

– Portable and flexible
– Clean-burning
– Easy to control flame height

– Requires periodic tank refills
– Tanks need safe storage

Natural Gas Firepits

Natural gas firepits are connected to your home’s natural gas line. They offer a continuous fuel supply, so you never run out of gas.

– Unlimited fuel supply
– Cost-effective in the long run
– No need for tank storage

– Installation is more complex
– Not portable

Smokeless Firepits

Smokeless firepits are designed to minimize smoke production. They use advanced airflow technology to burn wood more completely, reducing smoke.

– Less smoke and odor
– More efficient burning
– Environmentally friendly

– Typically more expensive
– Limited design options

Each type of firepit offers unique benefits. Your choice will depend on your preferences, budget, and how you plan to use your custom outdoor firepit.

Next, let’s delve into the various materials you can use to build your custom firepit.

Materials for Custom Firepits

Choosing the right material is crucial for the durability and aesthetics of your custom outdoor firepit. Each material offers distinct advantages. Let’s explore some popular options:


Bricks are a classic choice for firepits. They are known for their durability and ability to withstand high temperatures. Brick firepits offer a traditional look and can be arranged in various patterns to suit your style.

– Long-lasting
– High heat resistance
– Versatile design options

– Can be labor-intensive to install
– May require more maintenance over time


Stones provide a natural, rustic look that blends well with outdoor environments. Materials like limestone, granite, and sandstone are popular choices.

– Aesthetic appeal
– Extremely durable
– Handles exposure to elements well

– Can be expensive
– Heavy and difficult to work with

Natural Stone Veneer

Natural Stone Veneer offers the beauty of natural stone but is lighter and easier to install. It’s a great option if you want the look of stone without the hassle.

– Lightweight
– Easier to install
– Aesthetic versatility

– Can be less durable than full stone
– May not withstand extreme heat as well

Segmental Systems

Segmental Systems are pre-engineered blocks designed for easy assembly. These systems often come in kits, making installation simpler.

– Easy to install
– Uniform appearance
– Cost-effective

– Limited design flexibility
– May look less natural


Concrete firepits are robust and can be molded into various shapes and sizes. They offer a modern look and can be customized with different finishes.

– Highly durable
– Customizable
– Modern aesthetics

– Can crack over time
– Requires skilled installation

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel is a sleek, modern option that is also corrosion-resistant. It’s perfect for those who want a contemporary look with low maintenance.

– Corrosion-resistant
– Low maintenance
– Modern look

– Can be expensive
– May not blend with natural surroundings


Metal firepits, including steel, are sturdy and long-lasting. They can be designed in various styles, from rustic to modern.

– Durable
– Variety of styles
– Cost-effective

– Can rust if not properly treated
– May require maintenance to prevent corrosion


Steel firepits are a popular choice due to their strength and affordability. They can withstand high temperatures and harsh weather conditions.

– Strong and durable
– Affordable
– Weather-resistant

– Can rust over time without proper care
– Limited design options

Each material has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Your choice will depend on your aesthetic preferences, budget, and how you plan to use your custom outdoor firepit.

Next, let’s explore the key design considerations for your custom firepit.

Design Considerations

Designing a custom outdoor firepit involves several important factors. Let’s break them down:


Size matters. Think about how many people you want to accommodate. A small firepit is perfect for intimate gatherings, while a larger one can host group events.

  • Small firepits: Ideal for 2-4 people.
  • Medium firepits: Suitable for 5-8 people.
  • Large firepits: Great for 10 or more people.


The shape of your firepit can influence both its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Common shapes include:

  • Round: Promotes social interaction, as everyone can sit in a circle.
  • Square: Offers a modern look and fits well in corners.
  • Rectangular: Ideal for longer seating areas or narrow spaces.
  • Custom shapes: Unique designs tailored to your specific needs.


Placement is crucial for safety and enjoyment. Here are some tips:

  • Distance from structures: Install at least 20 feet away from buildings.
  • Wind direction: Avoid placing your firepit where the wind often blows.
  • View: Position it to maximize scenic views, if available.


Your firepit’s style should match your outdoor decor. Choose from:

  • Rustic: Uses natural materials like stone for a cozy feel.
  • Modern: Features sleek lines and materials like stainless steel.
  • Traditional: Often brick or concrete, blending with classic home styles.

Retaining Wall Seating

Retaining wall seating adds both function and beauty. It can:

  • Provide extra seating.
  • Define the firepit area.
  • Create a cohesive look with other landscape elements.


Lighting enhances the ambiance and safety of your firepit area. Consider:

  • Path lights: Illuminate walkways leading to the firepit.
  • Uplights: Highlight surrounding trees or structures.
  • String lights: Add a festive touch overhead.

Fire Pit Kits

Fire pit kits offer a convenient and often cost-effective way to build your firepit. Benefits include:

  • Ease of installation: Pre-designed kits are straightforward to assemble.
  • Variety: Available in different shapes, sizes, and materials.
  • Consistency: Ensures a uniform look and quality.

Next, we’ll discuss the importance of hiring a professional custom outdoor firepit installer to ensure your project is done right.

Hiring a Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer

When it comes to installing a custom outdoor firepit, hiring a professional installer is crucial. Here’s why:

Professional Installation

Professional installers bring expertise and precision to the job. They have the skills to ensure your firepit is safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.

For example, the team at Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping provides custom solutions tailored to your space. They use high-quality materials and proven techniques to build firepits that last.

Experience Matters

Experience is key. A seasoned installer knows how to handle various materials, from bricks and stones to concrete and steel. They can navigate the complexities of different firepit types, whether you’re opting for a wood-burning pit or a sleek gas firepit.

For over 30 years, Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping has been designing and building custom outdoor firepits. Their extensive experience ensures that every project meets the highest standards.

Permits and Safety

Permits are often required for firepit installations, depending on local regulations. A professional installer will handle this for you, ensuring all necessary permits are secured before construction begins.

Safety is paramount. Professionals know how to install firepits with proper clearances from buildings, fences, and vegetation. This minimizes fire hazards and ensures compliance with local safety codes.

Local Regulations

Understanding and adhering to local regulations is essential. Different areas have specific rules about firepit installations, including distance from structures and the need for spark screens.

Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping is well-versed in local regulations. They ensure your firepit complies with all requirements, giving you peace of mind.

Why Choose Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping?

Choosing a reliable installer like Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping guarantees a smooth process from start to finish. They offer:

  • Custom designs: Tailored to your preferences and space.
  • Quality materials: Ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Expert craftsmanship: Resulting in a firepit that enhances your outdoor space.

Ready to transform your backyard with a custom firepit? Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping is here to help.

Next, let’s address some common questions about hiring a custom outdoor firepit installer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Outdoor Firepit Installers

Do I Need a Permit for a Fire Pit?

Whether you need a permit for your fire pit depends on your local government regulations. In most areas, permits are required to ensure safety and compliance with local ordinances.

Local Government and Permit Requirements:
Check with your local zoning office: They will provide specific requirements based on your location.
Safety Regulations: These often include minimum distance from structures, fencing, and sometimes the use of spark screens or mesh covers.

Example: In many cities, the fire pit must be at least 10 to 20 feet away from any buildings, fences, or overhanging tree branches.

Can I Install My Own Fire Pit?

While it might be tempting to take on a DIY fire pit project, there are significant risks involved.

DIY Risks:
Lack of Expertise: Without the necessary masonry skills and knowledge of gas connections, you could endanger your home and neighboring properties.
Complexity: Installing a fire pit involves more than just digging a hole and placing stones. Proper leveling, gas line installation, and ensuring safe distances are crucial.

Professional Expertise:
Masonry Skills: Professionals have the experience to create a durable and aesthetically pleasing fire pit.
Gas Connections: Incorrectly installed gas lines can be hazardous. Professionals ensure that connections are secure and meet safety standards.

Quote: “Homeowners who try to take on projects of this scope by themselves usually end up calling us midway through because they get overwhelmed or something has gone wrong.” – Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service.

How Much Does It Cost to Have an Outdoor Fire Pit Installed?

The cost of installing a custom outdoor fire pit can vary widely based on several factors.

Cost Factors:
Materials: Different materials have different costs. For example, natural stone is more expensive than concrete.
Customization: Custom designs tailored to your preferences may increase the cost.
Labor: Professional labor costs can range from $40 to $80 per hour or $4 to $12 per square foot.

Example: A simple concrete fire pit will cost less than a custom-designed natural stone fire pit with intricate details and built-in seating.

Budget Considerations:
Discuss with your installer: They can help you understand what works within your budget and provide a detailed estimate.
Long-term Investment: A well-built fire pit increases home value and provides a safe, enjoyable outdoor space.

Hiring a professional ensures that your fire pit is installed correctly, safely, and beautifully, saving you time, energy, and potential future costs.

Next, let’s wrap up with some final thoughts on why Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping is the ideal choice for your custom outdoor fire pit project.


In summary, Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping is your go-to expert for creating the perfect custom outdoor fire pit. We understand that a fire pit isn’t just a feature; it’s a focal point for your outdoor space. Our team is dedicated to providing professional installation that meets all safety standards and local regulations.

With over 30 years of experience, we ensure high-quality results by using only the finest materials. Whether you prefer bricks, stones, or stainless steel, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. Our custom designs can incorporate additional elements like retaining wall seating and lighting to create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere.

Choosing Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping means you’re investing in a durable, beautiful addition to your home. A well-installed fire pit not only enhances your outdoor living experience but also boosts your home’s value.

Ready to transform your backyard into a cozy, stylish retreat? Contact us today to get started on your custom outdoor fire pit project. We look forward to turning your dream into reality.


A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring a Custom Outdoor Firepit Installer

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