by | Jun 25, 2024

Find Contractors to Install Patio Doors: Top Tips 2024


Choosing the Best Contractor for Patio Door Installation

Finding contractors to install patio doors can seem overwhelming, but it’s essential for achieving a beautiful and functional entryway. Whether you’re seeking a better view of your garden or improving your home’s energy efficiency, the right contractor can make all the difference.

Quick Steps to Find the Best Contractor:
1. Local Search: Ask friends and neighbors, or use online search tools.
2. Read Reviews: Check platforms like HomeAdvisor and Google Reviews.
3. Verify Credentials: Ensure the contractor is licensed and insured.
4. Request Quotes: Compare multiple estimates to find a fair price.

Why Install Patio Doors?

Patio doors bring numerous benefits to your home. They allow natural light to flood your interiors, enhance the aesthetics of your space, and improve accessibility to your outdoor areas. Proper installation is crucial to maximize these benefits, ensuring doors are both functional and durable for years to come.

I’m Joe Gerrior, owner of Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping. With over 34 years of experience in masonry and landscaping, I understand the importance of proper patio door installation. From selecting the right materials to ensuring precision installation, I’ve helped countless homeowners improve their spaces.

Understanding Patio Door Installation

When it comes to patio door installation, knowing the different types of doors, the installation process, and the tools required can help you make informed decisions. Let’s break it down.

Types of Patio Doors

  1. Sliding Doors: These doors slide horizontally along a track. They are great for saving space and providing a wide view of the outside.
  2. French Doors: These are double doors that swing open from the center. They add a touch of elegance and are perfect for classic home designs.
  3. Folding Doors: Also known as bi-fold doors, these fold in sections and stack neatly to one side. They offer a modern look and can open up an entire wall.
  4. Pivot Doors: These doors rotate on a pivot hinge, allowing for a unique and contemporary entrance. They require more space but offer a striking visual appeal.

Installation Process

The installation process for patio doors involves several key steps:

  1. Measurement: Accurate measurements of the door frame are crucial. Measure the width, height, and depth to ensure a perfect fit.
  2. Preparation: Remove the old door and clean the opening. Check for any structural issues that need fixing.
  3. Framing: Install a new frame if necessary. Ensure it is level and square to avoid alignment issues.
  4. Placement: Position the new door into the frame. Use shims to adjust and ensure it is level.
  5. Securing: Secure the door with screws or nails. Ensure the door operates smoothly before finalizing.
  6. Insulation: Add insulation around the frame to prevent drafts and improve energy efficiency.
  7. Finishing: Install trim and caulk around the edges to seal the door and give it a finished look.

Tools Required

To install patio doors, you’ll need a variety of tools:

  • Measuring Tape: For accurate measurements.
  • Level: To ensure the door is perfectly aligned.
  • Screwdriver/Drill: For securing the door.
  • Hammer: For framing and shimming.
  • Pry Bar: To remove the old door.
  • Caulk Gun: For sealing the edges.
  • Utility Knife: For trimming insulation and caulk.
  • Shims: To adjust the door position.
  • Safety Gear: Gloves and goggles for protection.

Proper installation is crucial to maximize these benefits, ensuring doors are both functional and durable for years to come.

I’m Joe Gerrior, owner of Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping. With over 34 years of experience in masonry and landscaping, I understand the importance of proper patio door installation. From selecting the right materials to ensuring precision installation, I’ve helped countless homeowners improve their spaces.

How to Find Contractors to Install Patio Doors

Finding the right contractor to install your patio doors can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some simple steps to help you find contractors to install patio doors and ensure you get the best service.

Local Search

Start by looking for local contractors. Local companies are often more invested in their community and reputation. They are also more familiar with local building codes and weather conditions, which can be crucial for proper installation.

You can begin your search by:

  • Asking for Recommendations: Talk to friends, family, or neighbors who have recently had patio doors installed. Personal recommendations are often the most reliable.
  • Checking Local Listings: Use online directories like HomeAdvisor to find pre-screened contractors in your area. Simply type in your zip code to get a list of local professionals.

Online Reviews

Once you have a list of potential contractors, the next step is to check their online reviews. Reviews can give you insight into the contractor’s reliability, quality of work, and customer service.

  • Read Detailed Reviews: Look for reviews that provide specific details about the contractor’s performance. For example, Steve J. shared on HomeAdvisor how his contractors were honest, punctual, and provided high-quality work.
  • Check Multiple Sources: Don’t rely on just one review site. Check multiple platforms like Google Reviews, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for a more comprehensive view.

Contractor Credentials

Before making a final decision, verify the credentials of the contractors you’re considering. This ensures they are qualified and trustworthy.

  • Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the contractor holds the necessary licenses and insurance. This protects you in case of accidents or damage during the installation process. As one Home Depot employee mentioned, their contractors are fully licensed, bonded, and insured.
  • Experience: Look for contractors with experience in patio door installations. Experienced contractors are more likely to handle unforeseen issues effectively.
  • Past Projects: Ask to see examples of their previous work. This can give you a sense of their craftsmanship and attention to detail.

By following these steps—conducting a local search, reading online reviews, and verifying contractor credentials—you can confidently find contractors to install patio doors who will meet your needs and ensure a successful project.

Contractor reviewing plans with homeowner - find contractors to install patio doors

Next, let’s dive into how to evaluate these contractors to make the best choice for your patio door installation.

Evaluating Patio Door Installation Contractors

When you find contractors to install patio doors, it’s crucial to evaluate them thoroughly to ensure a successful project. Here are key factors to consider:


Experience is a significant indicator of a contractor’s ability to handle your project efficiently. Look for contractors who have been in the business for several years and have a proven track record of installing patio doors.

  • Steve J.’s Testimonial: “I must say that these guys are the best contractors I have ever worked with. They are honest, hard-working, professional, always arrive on-time, and showed me everything they were doing.” Steve’s experience highlights the importance of seasoned professionals who are transparent and dependable.


Ensure that the contractor holds the necessary licenses and insurance. This not only guarantees that they are qualified to perform the work but also protects you from liability in case of accidents or damages.

  • HomeAdvisor’s Vetting Process: HomeAdvisor pre-screens contractors to ensure they meet licensing and insurance requirements. This can give you peace of mind knowing that the professionals you’re considering are qualified and vetted.

Past Projects

Ask contractors to provide examples of their previous work. This can include photos, detailed descriptions, or even site visits to past projects. Seeing their craftsmanship can help you gauge their attention to detail and overall quality.

  • Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping’s Portfolio: Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping provides detailed case studies and galleries of their past projects, showcasing their expertise and high-quality work. Reviewing such portfolios can help you make an informed decision.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are invaluable for understanding the contractor’s reputation and reliability. Look for testimonials and feedback from previous clients to get a sense of their satisfaction levels.

  • Steve J.’s Review: Steve J. was so satisfied with his contractors that he left their business cards for the new homeowners. Positive reviews like this can be a strong indicator of a contractor’s reliability and quality of work.

Summary Table

Factor Importance Example
Experience Ensures efficiency and quality “I highly recommend using these guys. I know many contractors have bad reputations…”
Licensing Protects against liability and ensures qualifications HomeAdvisor’s pre-screening for licenses and insurance
Past Projects Provides insight into craftsmanship and attention to detail Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping’s detailed project galleries
Customer Reviews Offers real-world feedback on reliability and satisfaction Steve J.’s glowing review and recommendation

By thoroughly evaluating contractors based on their experience, licensing, past projects, and customer reviews, you can make a well-informed decision for your patio door installation.

Next, we’ll explore the cost considerations you should keep in mind for your patio door installation project.

Cost Considerations for Patio Door Installation

When planning to install patio doors, understanding the cost factors involved is crucial. Let’s break down the main components: material costs, labor costs, and additional expenses.

Material Costs

The cost of materials for patio doors can vary widely based on the type and quality of the door you choose. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Sliding Doors: These are generally affordable, with prices ranging from $300 to $1,500 depending on size and material.
  • French Doors: Often more expensive due to their design and materials, typically costing between $500 and $4,000.
  • Bi-Fold Doors: These can be quite pricey, ranging from $3,000 to $10,000, but they offer a high-end look and functionality.

Pro Tip: Double-paned glass is a popular choice for its energy efficiency, while etched glass can add privacy without sacrificing natural light.

Labor Costs

Labor costs for installing patio doors also vary based on the complexity of the job and the contractor’s rates. On average, you can expect to pay:

  • Standard Sliding Door Installation: Between $300 and $600.
  • French Door Installation: Typically ranges from $600 to $1,200 due to the more detailed work involved.
  • Bi-Fold Door Installation: Can cost anywhere from $800 to $2,500, reflecting the complexity of these installations.

Case Study: One homeowner shared that they paid $450 for a carpenter to install a front door and screen door, which took about three hours. This highlights how labor costs can vary based on the specific requirements of your project.

Additional Expenses

Beyond materials and labor, there are several additional expenses to consider:

  • Permits: Depending on your location, you may need a permit to install new doors. Permit costs can range from $50 to $200.
  • Site Preparation: This includes removing the old door, making any necessary adjustments to the frame, and ensuring the area is clean and ready for installation. Costs for these services can vary but typically add an extra $100 to $300.
  • Hardware and Accessories: Door handles, locks, and other hardware can add to the overall cost. High-quality hardware can range from $50 to $200.

Budgeting Tip: Always set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses. Issues like structural repairs or additional customization can arise, and having a financial cushion can help you manage these surprises without stress.

By understanding these cost considerations, you can better plan your patio door installation project and ensure it stays within your budget. Next, we’ll address some common questions about patio door installation to further assist you in your planning process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Patio Door Installation

How much should I charge to install a sliding patio door?

The cost to install a sliding patio door can vary based on several factors, including the type of door, the complexity of the installation, and your location. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $360 to $1,210 for interior doors and $550 to $2,070 for exterior doors. More elaborate door styles like French doors can increase costs significantly.

Pro Tip: Always get multiple quotes from different contractors to compare prices and services. This ensures you get the best value for your money.

What is the average labor cost to install a door?

Labor costs for installing a door generally range from $50 to $400 for a slab door and from $150 to $4,400 for a prehung door, depending on the size and complexity. For exterior doors, labor costs can be higher due to additional factors like weatherproofing and security.

Did You Know?: The location of the door plays a significant role in the cost. For example, installing a walkout basement door can cost $2,000 to $10,000, while a back door typically costs $300 to $1,200.

How many hours does it take to install a patio door?

The time required to install a patio door depends on the type of door and the complexity of the installation. On average, it can take between 3 to 6 hours. This includes removing the old door, preparing the opening, and installing the new door.

Real-Life Example: A user on Reddit shared that a carpenter and a helper installed their front door in about 3 hours on a cold day. This timeframe can vary based on weather conditions, the skill of the installers, and any unforeseen issues that may arise during the process.

By understanding these common questions, you can better plan your patio door installation project and make informed decisions. Next, we’ll help you choose the right patio door for your home.

Choosing the Right Patio Door for Your Home

When it comes to enhancing your home with new patio doors, making the right choice involves several key factors: materials, styles, energy efficiency, and security features. Let’s break these down to help you make an informed decision.


The material of your patio door affects its durability, maintenance, and appearance. Here are some common options:

  • Wood: Offers a classic and elegant look. However, it requires regular maintenance to prevent warping and rotting.
  • Vinyl: Known for its low maintenance and energy efficiency. Vinyl is also cost-effective and resistant to weather.
  • Aluminum: Lightweight and strong, but less energy-efficient. It’s ideal for modern aesthetics.
  • Fiberglass: Combines the best of both worlds with durability, low maintenance, and good insulation properties.


Choosing the right style enhances both the functionality and aesthetics of your home. Here are popular patio door styles:

  • Sliding Doors: Save space and provide a wide view of the outdoors. Perfect for smaller areas.
  • French Doors: Offer a traditional look with hinged double doors that open outward or inward. Great for larger openings.
  • Bi-Fold Doors: Consist of multiple panels that fold back, creating a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Pocket Doors: Slide into the wall, completely disappearing when open, which maximizes space.

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient patio doors can help you save on heating and cooling costs. Look for these features:

  • Double or Triple Pane Glass: Provides better insulation than single-pane glass.
  • Low-E Coatings: Reflect heat while allowing light to pass through, reducing energy bills.
  • Weatherstripping: Ensures a tight seal to prevent drafts and improve energy efficiency.

Security Features

Your patio door should also keep your home secure. Consider these security features:

  • Multi-Point Locking Systems: Secure the door at multiple points along the frame, making it harder for intruders to break in.
  • Tempered or Laminated Glass: Stronger than regular glass and less likely to shatter.
  • Security Bars or Grilles: Provide an additional layer of protection without compromising on aesthetics.

For instance, many homeowners have found that replacing old doors with sliding glass doors not only enhances the view but also improves energy efficiency and security. One customer shared on Quora how their new sliding patio door transformed their home, offering a beautiful view and better insulation.

By considering these factors, you can select a patio door that not only complements your home’s design but also meets your practical needs. Next, we’ll explore how to evaluate contractors for your patio door installation project.


At Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping, we understand that choosing the right contractor for your patio door installation is a crucial step in transforming your outdoor space. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and top-notch craftsmanship sets us apart from the competition.

We offer a robust satisfaction guarantee to ensure that every project meets our high standards and your expectations. From the initial consultation to the final touches, our experienced team is dedicated to delivering excellence. Should any concerns arise post-installation, we are just a call away, ready to address and resolve any issues promptly.

Our relationship with you doesn’t end once your patio door is installed. We offer a range of follow-up services to ensure your patio door continues to look and function its best. This includes seasonal maintenance checks, cleaning services, and repair work as needed. Our proactive approach helps in prolonging the life of your patio door and maintaining its beauty through changing seasons.

Choosing Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping means opting for a partner who values your trust and strives to maintain it through reliable, high-quality service. For more information on how we can transform your outdoor space, visit our Patio Installation Services page.

Let us help you turn your dream patio into a reality, ensuring a seamless and satisfying experience from start to finish.

Patio Door Installation - find contractors to install patio doors

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards enhancing your home’s beauty and functionality with our expert patio door installation services.


Finding the Perfect Contractor for Your Patio Door Installation Needs

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