by | Jun 26, 2024

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Paver Walkway in 2024?

Budgeting for a Beautiful Paver Walkway

If you’ve ever wondered how much does it cost to build a paver walkway, you’re not alone. Building a paver walkway isn’t just about laying stones; it’s an investment in both aesthetics and property value. A well-designed walkway can transform your outdoor space, making it more inviting and functional.

Quick Cost Insights:
National Average Cost: $10 – $20 per sq. ft.
Basic Setup: $8 – $12 per sq. ft.
High-End Projects: $20 – $30 per sq. ft.

Aesthetic value and practical functionality often go hand in hand with paver walkways. Not only do they enhance your home’s curb appeal, but they also offer durability and ease of maintenance. Preparing a proper budget ensures you achieve a beautiful walkway without unexpected expenses overrunning your project.

Hello, I’m Joe Gerrior. With over 34 years of experience in masonry and landscaping, I’ve helped numerous homeowners understand how much does it cost to build a paver walkway while balancing quality and budget. Let’s dive deeper into the cost factors and planning tips for your dream walkway.

Paver Walkway Cost Breakdown - how much does it cost to build a paver walkway infographic infographic-line-3-steps

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Paver Walkway?

Factors Influencing Costs

Several factors influence how much does it cost to build a paver walkway. Understanding these variables can help you budget more accurately and make informed decisions.

Materials: The type of pavers you choose significantly impacts the cost. Concrete pavers are on the lower end, while natural stone pavers are more expensive. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Concrete Pavers: $8 to $15 per square foot
  • Clay Brick Pavers: $10 to $20 per square foot
  • Natural Stone Pavers: $12 to $50 per square foot
  • Slate Pavers: $11 to $20 per square foot

Labor: Labor costs are crucial and average around $55 per hour. This rate can vary based on your location and the contractor’s expertise.

Size: Larger walkways require more materials and labor, increasing overall costs. For instance, an 80 sq. ft walkway costs around $1,160, while a 280 sq. ft walkway can reach $4,060.

Complexity: Intricate designs, steps, and decorative features add to the cost. Simpler layouts are more budget-friendly.

Cost Breakdown by Material Type

Let’s explore the costs for different paver materials:

  • Concrete Pavers: Affordable and durable, these cost between $8 and $15 per square foot. They suit most home designs due to their uniform appearance.

  • Clay Brick Pavers: Offering a classic look, these range from $10 to $20 per square foot. They require a solid base and regular maintenance.

  • Natural Stone Pavers: These are the most expensive, costing $12 to $50 per square foot. They include variants like flagstone, marble, and bluestone, which are low-maintenance and timeless.

  • Slate Pavers: These combine the natural look of slate with the durability of concrete, costing $11 to $20 per square foot.

Cost Comparison: DIY vs. Professional Installation

When considering how much does it cost to build a paver walkway, you might wonder if DIY is cheaper than hiring professionals. Let’s break it down:

DIY Costs: DIY can save on labor but requires purchasing or renting equipment like:

  • Paver Cutter: $50/day
  • Plate Compactor: $60/day
  • Level and Trowel: $30

You also need to buy materials and factor in your time and effort.

Professional Fees: Hiring a professional ensures quality and efficiency. Labor costs average $55 per hour, with total project costs ranging from $1,565 to $3,765, depending on size and complexity.

Equipment Rental: Renting equipment can add up. For instance, renting all necessary tools might cost around $150/day.

Professional vs. DIY: While DIY might seem cheaper upfront, professional installation offers durability and aesthetic appeal, often saving money in the long run through fewer repairs and better quality.

By understanding these cost factors, you can better plan your budget and choose the right materials and services for your paver walkway. Next, we’ll explore how to plan your paver walkway on a budget, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Planning Your Paver Walkway on a Budget

Effective Budgeting Tips

1. Get Multiple Quotes
Before you commit to a contractor, get at least three quotes. This helps you understand the price range and negotiate better deals. Not all landscape companies are the same, so choose one with a good reputation and experience.

2. Look for Off-Season Discounts
Many contractors offer discounts during their off-season. Scheduling your project during these slower months can save you a significant amount of money.

3. Choose Affordable Materials
Materials can make or break your budget. Opt for cost-effective options like basic concrete or loose gravel. While interlocking concrete pavers are more expensive upfront, they offer long-term durability and value.

Design Ideas That Save Money

1. Simple Layouts
Complex designs can increase labor costs. Simple, straight paths are not only easier to install but also more budget-friendly. Avoid intricate patterns unless you have the budget for it.

2. Use Recycled Materials
Recycled materials like reclaimed brick or recycled plastic pavers are eco-friendly and often cheaper. They add a unique touch to your walkway without breaking the bank.

3. Minimalist Styles
Less is more. Minimalist designs require fewer materials and less labor. A clean, simple design can be both elegant and cost-effective.

By following these tips and design ideas, you can plan a beautiful and durable paver walkway without overspending. Next, we’ll explore additional costs to consider, ensuring there are no surprises along the way.

Additional Costs to Consider

When planning a paver walkway, account for all potential expenses. These often-overlooked costs can add up, impacting your overall budget.

Prep Work

Before laying down pavers, the site needs proper preparation. This includes:

  • Excavation: Removing existing materials like grass, old concrete, or soil.
  • Grading: Ensuring the ground is level and has proper drainage.
  • Base Material: Adding and compacting crushed gravel and sand for a solid foundation.

These steps are crucial for a long-lasting walkway but can increase costs.

Decorative Features

Adding decorative elements can enhance the beauty and functionality of your walkway but will also add to the cost. Consider:

  • Patterns and Designs: Intricate patterns or custom designs require more labor and materials.
  • Borders and Edging: Using different pavers for edges can create a polished look.
  • Inlays: Decorative inlays with contrasting colors or materials add a unique touch.


Depending on your location, you might need permits for walkway installation. Check local building codes to ensure compliance. Permit fees vary by region but are a necessary expense to avoid fines or legal issues.

Long-Term Maintenance Costs

Maintaining your paver walkway ensures its longevity and appearance. Key maintenance tasks include:

  • Sealing: Applying a sealant every 2-3 years protects pavers from weather and wear.
  • Repairs: Replacing damaged or sunken pavers is easier and cheaper than repairing concrete but still requires attention.
  • Cleaning: Regular sweeping and occasional power washing keep pavers looking fresh.

Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of your walkway, making it a worthwhile investment.

Enhancing Your Walkway

Enhancements can elevate the look and functionality of your walkway. Consider these options:

  • Landscape Lighting: Installing lights along the path improves safety and adds ambiance.
  • Edging: Edging with stone, brick, or metal keeps pavers in place and defines the walkway.
  • Walkway Covers: Covering the walkway with a pergola or awning provides shade and protection from the elements.

These enhancements not only boost curb appeal but also increase the utility and enjoyment of your outdoor space.

By considering these additional costs, you can budget more effectively and avoid surprises during your paver walkway project. Next, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to installing your paver walkway, ensuring a smooth and successful process.

Paver Walkway Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Necessary Tools and Materials

To install a paver walkway, you’ll need the right tools and materials to ensure the job is done correctly. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

  • Pavers: Choose from concrete, clay brick, or natural stone based on your design and budget.
  • Crushed Gravel: Forms the base layer for stability.
  • Sand: Used for bedding and leveling the pavers.
  • Trowel: For spreading and leveling sand.
  • Level: Ensures your walkway is even and properly aligned.

Site Preparation

  1. Mark the Area: Outline the walkway using stakes and string. Ensure the path is straight or follows your desired curve.

  2. Excavate: Dig out the area to a depth of about 7-9 inches to accommodate the base material and pavers. This depth includes 4 inches for crushed gravel, 2 inches for sand, and the thickness of the pavers.

  3. Compact the Subsoil: Use a mechanical compactor to compact the soil, providing a stable foundation. This step prevents future settling.

  4. Lay Geotextile Fabric: Place this fabric over the compacted soil to prevent the base materials from mixing with the subsoil.

Laying Pavers

  1. Add Crushed Gravel: Spread a 4-inch layer of crushed gravel and compact it thoroughly. This base layer provides stability and drainage.

  2. Add Sand: Spread a 2-inch layer of sand over the gravel. Use a trowel to level it. This sand bed ensures the pavers sit evenly.

  3. Lay the Pavers: Begin at one end, placing pavers in your desired pattern. Use a rubber mallet to tap each paver into place, ensuring they are level with each other and the string line.

  4. Cut Pavers as Needed: Use a masonry saw to cut pavers for edges or around obstacles. Ensure a snug fit to maintain the pattern.

Finishing Touches

  1. Fill Joints with Sand: Spread polymeric sand over the pavers and sweep it into the gaps. This sand hardens when wet, locking the pavers in place.

  2. Compact the Walkway: Use a compactor to settle the pavers into the sand. This step also helps the sand fill the joints completely.

  3. Add Edging: Install edging along the sides of the walkway. This keeps the pavers in place and prevents shifting.

  4. Seal the Pavers: Apply a sealer to protect the pavers from stains and maintain their color. This step is optional but recommended for long-term durability.

By following these steps and using the right tools and materials, you can create a beautiful and durable paver walkway. In the next section, we’ll dive into frequently asked questions about paver walkways to address any remaining concerns you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions about Paver Walkways

How Long Do Pavers Last?

Pavers are known for their exceptional longevity. With minimal routine maintenance, they can last between 50 and 100 years. This durability is one of the key reasons many homeowners choose pavers over other materials.

A significant advantage of pavers is that if one gets damaged, you can replace it without disturbing the rest of the walkway. This is a big plus compared to concrete or asphalt, which often require extensive repairs.

Does Water Drain Through Pavers?

Yes, pavers are permeable, which means water can drain through them into the ground. This helps prevent water from pooling on the surface, reducing the risk of slips and falls. It also helps manage stormwater runoff, which is beneficial for the environment.

The permeability of pavers makes them an excellent choice for areas with heavy rainfall or for homeowners looking to create sustainable landscapes.

How Many Pavers Do I Need?

To determine how many pavers you need, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the Area: Calculate the total square footage of the area where you plan to install the walkway. For example, if your walkway is 60 feet long and 3.5 feet wide, the total area is 210 square feet.

  2. Paver Size: Find out the size of the pavers you want to use. If one paver covers 1 square foot, you will need 210 pavers.

  3. Add Extra: Always buy about 10% more pavers than you think you need. This accounts for cutting, mistakes, and future repairs.

For a 60-foot by 3.5-foot walkway, you’d start with 210 square feet and add an extra 21 pavers, totaling 231 pavers.

By planning accurately, you can avoid multiple trips to the store and ensure a smooth installation process.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to plan your paver walkway on a budget, giving you tips and tricks to save money while achieving a beautiful result.


Building a paver walkway is an investment that pays off in the long run. With proper planning and materials, a paver walkway can last between 50 to 100 years. This longevity, combined with minimal maintenance, makes pavers an excellent choice for enhancing your home’s curb appeal.

One of the standout benefits of pavers is their permeability. Unlike concrete, water drains through pavers, reducing puddles and erosion. Plus, if a paver gets damaged, you can replace it individually without redoing the entire walkway.

Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping is here to help you make the most of these benefits. Our team of experts ensures high-quality installations tailored to your unique needs. We pride ourselves on our craftsmanship and attention to detail, making sure your walkway not only looks great but also stands the test of time.

Ready to transform your outdoor space? Contact Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping today for a free project estimate. Let us help you pave the way to a more beautiful home.