by | Jun 19, 2024

Patio Installation Contractors: Top 5 Expert Tips for 2024


Why Patio Installation Contractors Are Important

If you’re considering upgrading your outdoor space, patio installation contractors can turn your vision into reality. Here’s what you need to know upfront:

  1. Patio Benefits: A well-designed patio provides a dedicated space for relaxation, family gatherings, and social events.
  2. Enhanced Outdoor Living: Transforming your backyard into a livable, enjoyable extension of your home.
  3. Home Value Enhancement: A professionally installed patio boosts your property’s value and aesthetic appeal.

Hello, I’m Joe Gerrior, owner of Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping. With over 34 years of expertise in patio installation, I know that the right contractor can elevate your outdoor space and give you a lasting, beautiful patio.

Let’s delve into the many ways a patio can enrich your home and how to choose the best materials.

Choosing the Right Materials for Your Patio

Selecting the right materials is essential for a durable and visually appealing patio. Here, we’ll explore various options, including brick, natural stone, concrete, and pavers. Each material has its unique benefits and aesthetic qualities.

Brick Options

Brick patios are a timeless choice, known for their classic look and durability. They can withstand harsh weather and heavy foot traffic, making them a practical option for many homeowners.

  • Cambridge Pavers: These are popular for their variety of colors and patterns. They offer a blend of durability and aesthetic appeal, making them a favorite among homeowners.
  • Techo Bloc Pavers: Known for their high quality and innovative designs, Techo Bloc Pavers can transform any outdoor space into a stylish retreat.

Natural Stone Choices

Natural stone options like flagstone, bluestone, and travertine add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your patio. These materials are not only beautiful but also incredibly durable.

  • Flagstone: This stone is renowned for its natural, rustic look. It’s perfect for creating a serene, natural ambiance in your garden.
  • Bluestone: Bluestone offers a more uniform appearance and a smooth surface. It’s ideal for a sleek and modern patio design.
  • Travertine: Known for its luxurious appearance, travertine is a great choice for those looking to add a touch of class to their outdoor space.

Concrete and Pavers

Concrete and pavers are versatile and cost-effective options for patio installations. They offer a range of design possibilities and are known for their durability.

  • CST Pavers: These pavers are known for their strength and variety. They come in different shapes and colors, allowing for creative and unique designs.
  • EP Henry Pavers: EP Henry offers a wide range of pavers that are both durable and attractive. They are perfect for creating intricate patterns and designs.
  • Anchor Pavers: Anchor Pavers are another excellent choice, known for their robustness and wide range of styles. They are ideal for both traditional and contemporary patio designs.

Each material has its own set of advantages, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and aesthetic preferences. When selecting materials, consider factors like durability, maintenance requirements, and how well they complement your home’s architecture.

Next, we’ll dive into designing your ideal patio, focusing on layout, size, functionality, and aesthetics.

Designing Your Ideal Patio

Designing your ideal patio involves more than just picking out materials. You need to think about layout, size, functionality, and aesthetics to create a space that fits your lifestyle and looks great.

Small Patio Designs

Space Optimization

For small patios, every inch counts. Use multi-functional furniture like benches with storage or foldable tables. Vertical gardening can also save space while adding greenery.

Cozy Setups

Small patios can be cozy havens. Add soft lighting like string lights or lanterns to create a warm atmosphere. Use soft cushions and throws to make seating areas inviting. A small fire pit can also add warmth and become a focal point.

Large Patio Configurations

Entertainment Areas

Large patios offer more flexibility. You can create distinct zones for different activities. For example, have a dining area with a large table and chairs, a lounging area with comfy sofas, and maybe even an outdoor kitchen. Adding features like a built-in grill or bar can make your patio the go-to spot for gatherings.

Multi-Tiered Designs

If your yard has a slope, consider a multi-tiered patio. This not only maximizes space but also adds visual interest. Each tier can serve a different purpose, like a dining area on one level and a lounge area on another. Use natural stone or pavers to define each tier and create a seamless flow between levels.

multi-tiered patio design - patio installation contractors

Layout, Size, Functionality, and Aesthetics


The layout should be practical and intuitive. Think about how you’ll move through the space. Pathways should be clear and wide enough for easy navigation. Arrange furniture to promote conversation and make sure there’s enough room for people to move around comfortably.


The size of your patio should match its intended use. A small patio is perfect for intimate gatherings, while a larger one is better for big parties. Measure your space and plan accordingly.


Consider how you’ll use the patio. Is it for dining, lounging, or both? Make sure you have the right furniture and accessories to meet those needs. For example, if you love cooking outdoors, an outdoor kitchen with a grill and prep area is essential.


Finally, think about aesthetics. Your patio should complement your home’s architecture and your personal style. Use colors, textures, and patterns to create a cohesive look. For example, natural stone can give a rustic feel, while sleek concrete offers a modern vibe.

patio aesthetics - patio installation contractors

By carefully planning your patio’s design, you can create a space that’s both beautiful and functional, perfect for any occasion.

Next, we’ll discuss how to hire professional patio installation contractors to bring your design to life.

Hiring Professional Patio Installation Contractors

Evaluating Contractor Credentials

When it comes to hiring patio installation contractors, credentials are crucial. Here’s what to look for:

Licensing and Insurance

First, ensure the contractor is fully licensed and insured. This protects you in case of accidents and ensures the contractor meets local building standards. A licensed contractor is more likely to be reliable and knowledgeable.


Ask for a portfolio of past projects. This gives you a sense of their style and quality. Look for projects similar to what you have in mind. If you see consistent quality and style that matches your vision, that’s a good sign.

Reviews and Testimonials

Check online reviews and testimonials. Look for contractors with positive ratings and few complaints. Websites like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) can be helpful. For instance, Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping has high BBB ratings, indicating reliability and customer satisfaction.


Experience matters. Contractors with years of experience are more likely to handle unexpected challenges effectively. They also have a better understanding of materials, design, and local regulations.

Understanding Patio Installation Costs

Estimation Methods

Reputable contractors provide free estimates. This helps you understand the costs involved without any commitment. Detailed estimates allow you to plan your budget effectively.

Cost Factors

Several factors affect the cost of a patio project:

  • Size of the Patio: Larger patios require more materials and labor.
  • Materials Used: High-quality materials like natural stone cost more than concrete.
  • Design Complexity: Custom designs and features like fire pits or water features increase costs.

Budget Planning

Plan your budget carefully. The average cost to install a patio is around $4,000, but this can range from $800 to $14,000 or more. Consider all cost factors and get multiple quotes to compare.

By evaluating credentials and understanding costs, you can hire the right professional to bring your patio design to life.

Next, we’ll discuss maintaining your patio through the seasons to keep it looking great year-round.

Maintaining Your Patio Through Seasons

Regular Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your patio ensures it stays beautiful and functional for years. Here are some regular maintenance tips:

Cleaning Techniques

  • Sweep regularly: Remove leaves, dirt, and debris to prevent staining and moss growth.
  • Power washing: Use a power washer to deep clean surfaces. Be careful with the pressure to avoid damage.
  • Mild detergent: For stubborn stains, mix water with a mild detergent. Scrub gently with a brush and rinse thoroughly.

Sealant Applications

  • Inspect annually: Check for areas where the sealant has worn off.
  • Reseal: Apply a new coat of sealant every 2-3 years to protect against water damage and stains.
  • Choose the right sealant: Use sealants designed for your patio material, whether it’s concrete, stone, or pavers.

Seasonal Adjustments

Different seasons require different care to keep your patio in top shape.

Winter Preparations

  • Cover furniture: Protect outdoor furniture with weather-resistant covers.
  • Clear snow: Use a plastic shovel to remove snow. Avoid metal shovels that can scratch surfaces.
  • De-icing: Use pet-safe and plant-safe de-icers. Avoid salt, which can damage many patio materials.

Summer Setups

  • Shade solutions: Install umbrellas or awnings to provide shade and protect against UV rays.
  • Outdoor lighting: Add solar lights or string lights for evening use.
  • Plant care: Keep plants well-watered and trimmed to prevent overgrowth onto the patio.

Regular maintenance and seasonal adjustments will keep your patio looking great and functioning well all year round.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about patio installation to help you make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Patio Installation

What are the most durable materials for patios?

When it comes to durability, not all patio materials are created equal. Here are some of the most durable options:

  • Concrete: Highly durable and low maintenance. Concrete can withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions. However, it can crack over time if not properly installed or maintained.
  • Natural Stone: Flagstone, bluestone, and travertine are incredibly durable and can last for decades. They are resistant to weathering and provide a timeless look, but they do require more maintenance.
  • Pavers: Pavers made from concrete, brick, or stone are very durable. They can be easily replaced if one gets damaged, which is a significant advantage over a single slab of concrete.

How should I prepare my patio for winter?

Winter can be tough on patios, but proper preparation can help maintain their beauty and functionality:

  1. Clean Thoroughly: Remove leaves, dirt, and debris to prevent staining and mold growth.
  2. Seal the Surface: Apply a sealant to concrete and paver patios to protect against moisture penetration and freeze-thaw cycles.
  3. Store Furniture: Store or cover outdoor furniture to protect it from snow and ice.
  4. Avoid Salt: Use sand or cat litter for traction instead of salt, which can damage many patio materials.

Can I install a patio on a sloped yard?

Yes, you can install a patio on a sloped yard, but it requires careful planning and professional expertise:

  • Proper Grading: A skilled contractor will grade the area to ensure proper drainage and prevent water pooling.
  • Retaining Walls: These can help manage the slope and create level areas for your patio.
  • Terracing: Consider a multi-tiered design, which can turn a challenging slope into a beautiful, functional space.

Materials Durability

Concrete and Natural Stone are among the most durable materials. Concrete is low-maintenance but can crack. Natural stone is long-lasting but requires more upkeep.

Pavers offer a good balance of durability and ease of repair. If one paver gets damaged, you can replace it without disturbing the rest of the patio.

Design Trends

Current trends include integrating outdoor kitchens, fire pits, and built-in seating. These features can turn a simple patio into a multi-functional space.

Customization is also popular. Stamped concrete can mimic higher-end materials like natural stone, offering a range of colors and patterns.

Maintenance Needs

Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your patio:

  • Cleaning: Use a simple detergent and water solution for concrete. For tougher stains, try a vinegar and water mixture.
  • Sealing: Apply sealants to protect against moisture and wear.
  • Seasonal Care: Adjust your maintenance routine with the seasons. Clean off salts and debris after winter and store furniture before snow arrives.

By following these tips, you can ensure your patio remains a beautiful and functional part of your home for years to come.

Next, we’ll conclude with some final thoughts on enhancing your outdoor spaces and the lasting value of a well-installed patio.


Enhancing your outdoor space with a beautifully designed and professionally installed patio is a smart investment. Not only does it add to the aesthetic appeal of your home, but it also increases its usability and overall value. Imagine having a serene spot for morning coffee, a lively area for summer barbecues, or a cozy nook for evening relaxation. A well-crafted patio makes all these moments possible.

At Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping, we specialize in turning your patio dreams into reality. Our team is dedicated to providing top-quality craftsmanship and personalized service. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we ensure every detail aligns with your vision and needs.

Investing in a patio is not just about the immediate enjoyment. It’s a long-term enhancement to your property. Our patios are designed to withstand the test of time, offering you a durable and beautiful outdoor space for years to come.

Ready to transform your outdoor area? Contact us today to get started on your dream patio. Let’s create a space where you can make lasting memories.

Enhancing your outdoor space with a beautifully designed and professionally installed patio is a smart investment. Not only does it add to the aesthetic appeal of your home, but it also increases its usability and overall value. Imagine having a serene spot for morning coffee, a lively area for summer barbecues, or a cozy nook for evening relaxation. A well-crafted patio makes all these moments possible.

At Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping, we specialize in turning your patio dreams into reality. Our team is dedicated to providing top-quality craftsmanship and personalized service. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we ensure every detail aligns with your vision and needs.

Investing in a patio is not just about the immediate enjoyment. It’s a long-term enhancement to your property. Our patios are designed to withstand the test of time, offering you a durable and beautiful outdoor space for years to come.

Ready to transform your outdoor area? Contact us today to get started on your dream patio. Let’s create a space where you can make lasting memories.


Explore Local Patio Installation Options: A Comprehensive Guide

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